
→ Promise<AddressInfo>

Retrieves information about a specific address including its outputs, inscriptions, and rune balances.

GET /address/{address}
address string

Bitcoin address to query.


→ Promise<number>

Retrieves the total number of blocks in the blockchain.

GET /blockcount


→ Promise<BlockHash>

Gets the hash of the latest block.

GET /blockhash


→ Promise<BlockHash>

Gets the hash of a block at the specified height.

GET /blockhash/{height}
height number

Block height to get hash for


→ Promise<BlockHash>

Gets the block hash using the recursive endpoint.

RECURSIVE GET /r/blockhash/{height}
height number

Block height


→ Promise<BlockHash>

Gets the latest block hash using the recursive endpoint.

RECURSIVE GET /r/blockhash


→ Promise<number>

Gets the height of the latest block.

GET /blockheight


→ Promise<number>

Gets the latest block height using the recursive endpoint.

RECURSIVE GET /r/blockheight


→ Promise<BlockInfo>

Fetches details about a specific block by its height or hash.

GET /block/{heightOrHash}
heightOrHash any

Block height (number) or block hash (string).


→ Promise<BlockDetails>

Gets detailed block information using the recursive endpoint.

RECURSIVE GET /r/blockinfo/{heightOrHash}
heightOrHash string | number

Block height or hash


→ Promise<BlocksResponse>

Returns the height of the latest block, the blockhashes of the last 100 blocks, and featured inscriptions from them.

GET /blocks


→ Promise<number>

Gets the timestamp of the latest block.

GET /blocktime


→ Promise<number>

Gets block time using the recursive endpoint.

RECURSIVE GET /r/blocktime


→ Promise<InscriptionInfo>

Gets a specific child inscription of a parent inscription.

GET /inscription/{id}/{child}
id string

Parent inscription ID

child number

Index of the child inscription


→ Promise<InscriptionsIDsResponse>

Gets first 100 child inscriptions IDs.

RECURSIVE GET /r/children/{id}
id string

Parent inscription ID


→ Promise<InscriptionsIDsResponse>

Gets paginated child inscription IDs.

RECURSIVE GET /r/children/{id}/{page}
id string

Parent inscription ID

page number

Page number


→ Promise<ChildrenInfoResponse>

Gets details of the first 100 child inscriptions.

RECURSIVE GET /r/children/{id}/inscriptions
id string

Parent inscription ID


→ Promise<ChildrenInfoResponse>

Gets paginated detailed child inscription information.

RECURSIVE GET /r/children/{id}/inscriptions/{page}
id string

Parent inscription ID

page number

Page number


→ Promise<InscriptionInfo>

Retrieves information about a specific inscription by its ID.

GET /inscription/{id}
id string

Inscription ID


→ Promise<InscriptionID>

Gets ID of a specific inscription at an index by sat number. The inscription id at index of all inscriptions on a sat. Index may be a negative number to index from the back. 0 being the first and -1 being the most recent for example. Requires index with --index-sats flag.

RECURSIVE GET /r/sat/{number}/at/{index}
number number

Satoshi number

index number

Inscription index


→ Promise<InscriptionRecursive>

Gets recursive inscription information.

RECURSIVE GET /r/inscription/{id}
id string

Inscription ID


→ Promise<InscriptionsResponse>

Gets a list of the 100 most recent inscriptions.

GET /inscriptions


→ Promise<InscriptionsResponse>

Gets all inscriptions in a specific block.

GET /inscriptions/block/{height}
height number

Block height to fetch inscriptions from


→ Promise<InscriptionInfo[]>

Retrieves information about multiple inscriptions by their IDs.

POST /inscriptions
ids string[]

Array of inscription IDs to fetch


→ Promise<InscriptionsResponse>

Gets inscriptions for a specific page number in paginated results.

GET /inscriptions/{page}
page number

Page number to fetch


→ Promise<InscriptionsIDsResponse>

Gets the first 100 inscription ids on a sat. Requires index with --index-sats flag.

RECURSIVE GET /r/sat/{number}
number number

Satoshi number


→ Promise<InscriptionsIDsResponse>

Gets paginated inscription ids for a specific satoshi.

RECURSIVE GET /r/sat/{number}/{page}
number number

Satoshi number

page number

Page number


→ Promise<OutputInfo>

Retrieves information about a specific UTXO.

GET /output/{outpoint}
outpoint string

Transaction outpoint in format {txid}:{vout}


→ Promise<OutputAssets>

Gets assets held by an UTXO.

RECURSIVE GET /r/utxo/{outpoint}
outpoint string

Transaction outpoint


→ Promise<OutputInfo[]>

Gets information about multiple UTXOs.

POST /outputs
outpoints string[]

Array of outpoints to fetch


→ Promise<OutputInfo[]>

Gets all UTXOs for a specific address, optionally filtered by type.

GET /outputs/{address}
address string

Bitcoin address to get outputs for

type OutputType

Optional filter for specific output types


→ Promise<InscriptionsResponse>

Gets parent inscription IDs.

RECURSIVE GET /r/parents/{id}
id string

Child inscription ID


→ Promise<InscriptionsResponse>

Gets paginated parent inscription IDs.

RECURSIVE GET /r/parents/{id}/{page}
id string

Child inscription ID

page number

Page number


→ Promise<RuneResponse>

Gets information about a specific rune by name.

GET /rune/{name}
name string

Rune name


→ Promise<RunesResponse>

Gets runes for a specific page number in paginated results.

GET /runes/{page}
page number

Page number to fetch


→ Promise<RunesResponse>

Gets a list of the 100 most recent runes.

GET /runes


→ Promise<SatInfo>

Gets information about a specific satoshi by its number.

GET /sat/{number}
number number

Satoshi number


→ Promise<ServerStatus>

Gets the current server status and information.

GET /status


→ Promise<TransactionInfo>

Gets information about a specific transaction.

GET /tx/{txId}
txId string

Transaction ID


→ Promise<TransactionHex>

Gets hex transaction data.

RECURSIVE GET /r/tx/{txid}
txid string

Transaction ID


Comprehensive information about a Bitcoin address including its balance, outputs, inscriptions, and runes balances.

inscriptions string[] | null
outputs string[]
runes_balances string[][] | null
sat_balance number


Detailed information about given block.

average_fee number
average_fee_rate number
bits number
chainwork string
confirmations number
difficulty number
feerate_percentiles number[]
hash BlockHash
height number
max_fee number
max_fee_rate number
max_tx_size number
median_fee number
median_time number | null
merkle_root string
min_fee number
min_fee_rate number
next_block BlockHash | null
nonce number
previous_block BlockHash | null
subsidy number
target string
timestamp number
total_fee number
total_size number
total_weight number
transaction_count number
version number


Basic block information including inscriptions and runes.

best_height number
hash BlockHash
height number
inscriptions string[]
runes string[]
target string
transactions Transaction[]


Paginated response containing a list of recent blocks and metadata.

blocks BlockHash[]
featured_blocks Record<BlockHash, string[]>
last number


Special characteristics or properties of a sat (e.g. "cursed", "epic", "burned").

burned | coin | cursed | epic | legendary | lost | mythic | nineball | palindrome | rare | reinscription | unbound | uncommon | vindicated


Child inscription info retrieved from recursive endpoint.

charms CharmType[]
fee number
height number
id string
number number
output string
sat number
satpoint string
timestamp number


Paginated response containing child inscriptions detailed info.

children ChildInfo[]
more boolean
page number


Transaction input containing previous output reference and witness data.

previous_output string
script_sig string
sequence number
witness string[]


Response containing a single inscription ID.

id string | null


Comprehensive information about an inscription including its content type, genesis data, location and transfer history.

address string | null
charms CharmType[]
child_count number
children string[]
content_length number | null
content_type string | null
effective_content_type string | null
fee number
height number
id string
metaprotocol string | null
next string | null
number number
parents string[]
previous string | null
rune string | null
sat number | null
satpoint string
timestamp number
value number | null


Comprehensive information about an inscription retrieved from recursive endpoint.

address string | null
charms CharmType[]
content_length number | null
content_type string | null
delegate string | null
fee number
height number
id string
number number
output string
sat number | null
satpoint string
timestamp number
value number | null


Paginated response containing a list of inscription IDs

ids string[]
more boolean
page number


Paginated response containing a list of inscriptions IDs.

ids string[]
more boolean
page_index number


Transaction output containing value and script pubkey.

script_pubkey string
value number


Information about assets held by an UTXO.

inscriptions string[] | null
runes Record<string, RuneBalance> | null
sat_ranges SatRange[] | null
value number


Detailed information about a UTXO including value, script type, and any inscriptions or runes it contains.

address string | null
indexed boolean
inscriptions string[] | null
outpoint string
runes Record<string, RuneBalance> | null
sat_ranges SatRange[] | null
script_pubkey string
spent boolean
transaction string
value number


Type of UTXO output (e.g. "plain", "inscription", "rune").

any | cardinal | inscribed | runic


Classification of sat rarity (e.g. "common", "uncommon", "rare", "epic", "legendary").

common | epic | legendary | mythic | rare | uncommon


Basic information about a rune held by an UTXO.

amount number
divisibility number
symbol string


Basic information about a rune including its symbol and supply details.

block number
burned number
divisibility number
etching string
mints number
number number
premine number
spaced_rune string
symbol string | null
terms RuneTerms
timestamp number
turbo boolean


Detailed rune information including minting status and parent.

entry RuneInfo
id string
mintable boolean
parent string | null


Paginated response containing a list of runes and metadata.

entries [string, RuneInfo][]
more boolean
next number | null
prev number | null


Information about a specific satoshi including its number, timestamp, and rarity classification.

address string | null
block number
charms CharmType[]
cycle number
decimal string
degree string
epoch number
inscriptions string[]
name string
number number
offset number
percentile string
period number
rarity RarityType
satpoint string | null
timestamp number


Current status information about the ordinals server including version, height and indexing progress.

address_index boolean
blessed_inscriptions number
chain string
cursed_inscriptions number
height number
initial_sync_time Time
inscriptions number
lost_sats number
minimum_rune_for_next_block string | null
rune_index boolean
runes number
sat_index boolean
started string
transaction_index boolean
unrecoverably_reorged boolean
uptime Time


Type defined in /home/runner/work/ordapi/ordapi/src/schemas/status.ts

nanos number
secs number


Bitcoin transaction data including version, locktime, inputs and outputs.

input Input[]
lock_time number
output Output[]
version number


Extended transaction information including block details, timestamp and inscription data.

chain string
etching string | null
inscription_count number
transaction Transaction
txid string